Whatever you do dont sign up for anything that costs money or take any of the "free" surveys. The surveys will just take you through click bait and to "free offers" in an attempt to get you to pay them money and theres no chance of getting points for any of that for the games you want the points for. The offers and programs that they admit will cost you money to sign up for, you will never see the points from those. They will use any loophole possible in an attempt to not give you anything. That is if the department that they call "customer service" even responds to begin with. They take a month or more to even get back to you in your "attempt" to solve your problems. Dont expect to ever see those game points. Its just a big scam and your inbox will be flooded with spam if you sign up for anything "free." SCCCAAAAAMMMMMMMMSSSSS
Seshygrl is tired of scams about MyTapjoy, v1.6